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Faller - Overview of the US court system, trial level and appeal level, in both federal and state courts

  • Nightmare US litigation, where everything goes wrong
  • Differences to expect between federal and state courts
  • Differences between the laws of the various states 
  • Jury trials
  • Summary judgment and motion practice as compared to full trials

Dehner - Strategic alliances and choices as to how a Danish company can enter the US market - Dehner

Faller - What does US litigation cost, optimistically and in a worst case scenario

  • Statistics for high and low end litigation costs
  • Tactical and strategic considerations of bringing a lawsuit as compared with being sued, including cost and other practical considerations, as well as differences in control of litigation factors
  • US discovery procedures really raise the cost and place cost containment out of any easy control, when a case is actually in court
  • Jury trials are more expensive than trials to the court
  • Differences in litigation costs for products liability cases as compared to other litigation
  • Patent cases are often the most expensive

Dehner - *Protecting the client's assets from the beginning in the way that you set up a U.S. operation, structure the corporation, choose locations and get legal advice

  • Faller - *What can one effectively do to limit litigation costs, once litigation ensues? 
  • Insurance
  • Contractual arbitration clauses (requiring arbitration)
  • Voluntary arbitration or mediation
  • Choosing the venue, if you are bringing the suit
  • Choosing the right attorney

Dehner - The Infrastructure of a US Contract (E.g., typical contract sections, terms and basics)

Faller - Highlights of US Products Liability and Intellectual Property Law, and Advertising, where the two intersect

  • How you best protect your client's internet domains, trademarks, designs, copyright and inventions in the U.S.
  • What can be done in case of infringement, if the client is the infringer, perhaps unknowingly so
  • What can be done in case of infringement, if the client's rights are infringed
  • Products Liability verdicts 
  • Theories of liability: improper design, manufacturing defects, failure to warn
  • Strict liability
  • Breach of warranty
  • Strange warnings and stranger scenarios – Truth is stranger than fiction


Attorney Susan Grogan Faller
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Attorney Susan Grogan Faller

Susan Grogan Faller er partner i advokatfirmaet Frost Brown Todd med 450 advokater og kontorer i Cincinatti, Ohio, og 8 andre amerikanske byer. Hendes specialer er retssager og immaterialret. Susan er i årene 2004-11 blevet kåret som ”Ohio Super Lawyer” og i 1997-2011 som en af ”The Best Lawyers in America”.

Susan practices in the litigation and intellectual property areas. She represents clients in a wide array of commercial and business litigation matters and media law matters, with an emphasis on domestic and international media matters. She counsels and litigates in the areas of business, banking and commercial litigation, media litigation and tax and real estate litigation. During her years of practice with the firm since 1975, she has represented various media and nonmedia clients in connection with domestic and international defamation, disparagement, invasion of privacy and advertising matters.

Susan leads the firm's media and first amendment group. She is the international Multilaw media, advertising and entertainment practice group leader and the Multilaw practice group coordinator. She also has represented banks and businesses in a wide array of complex business and commercial matters.


  • Media and nonmedia defamation, jury and bench trials and dispositive motions
  • Business, commercial and banking litigation jury and bench trials and dispositive motions
  • Tax and real estate litigation bench trials and dispositive motions
  • Arbitrations and successful mediations
  • Access, open meetings and public records litigation
  • Prebroadcast and prepublication review
  • International matters

Highlights & Recognitions

  • Selected for inclusion in Ohio Super Lawyers®, 2004-2012
  • The Best Lawyers in America®, 1997-2012
  • YWCA Career Women of Achievement Award, 1990
  • Class XVII of Leadership, Cincinnati Member
  • AV® Rated, Martindale-Hubbell®

Memberships & Affiliations

  • Kentucky Bar Association
  • Ohio State Bar Association
  • Media Law Resource Center Defense Counsel Section, Charter Member, Membership Committee Chair, former President of Executive Committee and former Chair of Prepublication/Prebroadcast Review Committee
  • Multilaw international Media, Advertising and Entertainment Special Interest Practice Group, Leader
  • Ohio State Bar Association Media Law Committee, former Chair
  • American Bar Association and its Forum Committee on Communications and First Amendment & Media Litigation Committee, Member
  • Cincinnati Bar Association and various committees, Member
  • Potter Stewart American Inn of Court, Emeritus Master
Attorney Joseph J. Dehner
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Attorney Joseph J. Dehner

Joseph J. Dehner er partner i advokatfirmaet Frost Brown Todd med 450 advokater og kontorer i Cincinatti, Ohio, og 8 andre amerikanske byer. 

Joe concentrates his practice on multinational business and securities disputes. He counsels a wide variety of companies, domestic and foreign, on issues confronting global business, including transnational investment, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, Customs and trade issues, international business structures, distribution and agency agreements and the resolution of international disputes. He is business counsel to emerging digital technology and other firms. He represents companies, owners, investors, securities brokerage firms, brokers and public customers in disputes involving the securities laws and claims involving takeovers, fiduciary duty, fraud, negligence and securities statutes. In 1975 Joe joined Kyte Conlan Wulsin Vogeler in Cincinnati, Ohio, after a two-year federal appellate clerkship. That firm merged into Frost & Jacobs LLP in 1978, and became Frost Brown Todd LLC in 2000. Joe has chaired the Firm’s international services group for over ten years.


- Purchase of Americas’ largest spirits distillery by Trinidad company
- Sale of U.S./U.K./Irish robotic monitoring business
- General counseling of small to mid-sized multinational software businesses, automotive parts suppliers, global candy maker, angel and development stage entrepreneurs
- Management of domestic and global distribution/agency agreements
- Resolution of FCPA, USAID, Customs and OFAC claims against U.S. companies
- Defense of hostile takeover battle (including litigation over constitutionality of Ohio corporate law) and settlement on favorable terms to public company
- Limited liability company formation and operating agreement negotiation
- Formation of U.S. entities for businesses from over 25 countries
- Global licensing of technology in medical and other areas
- Joint venture and strategic alliance structuring in more than 20 countries
- Counsel to first Peoples Republic of China company to build facility in Ohio
- Formation of first Ukrainian/U.S. offshore reinsurance company
- Trial and settlement of over 200 securities disputes, including more than 100 NASD arbitrations
- Recovery of multiple $ millions in ponzi scheme, boiler room and other securities class and group actions
- Expert witness for U.S. Government in successful structured settlement criminal prosecution
- 30-year representations in structured settlement industry

Representative Experience

- FBT Acts as Lead Counsel in Successful Chapter 11 Proceedings of Cosmolab, Inc. and Affiliates in Delaware, and Receives Turnaround of the Year Award 

Highlights & Recognitions

- Selected for inclusion in Ohio Super Lawyers® 2005-2011
The Best Lawyers in America® 2008-2012, International Arbitration- Commercial; International Trade and Finance Law
AV® Rated, Martindale-Hubbell®

Memberships & Affiliations

- American Bar Association International
- Ohio State Bar Association
- The Florida Bar
- Adjunct Professor (International Business Transactions) University of Cincinnati, 1993-96
- MULTILAW (multinational association of 60 independent law firms) – Executive Council member, Chairman of Business Development ; ABA Task Force on Litigation and the World Wide Web, 2000, Co-Chair
- ABA International Litigation Committee, Vice-Chair, 2002-04
- Founding Chairman, Ohio State Bar Association International Law Committee, Member
Public Investors Arbitration Bar Association, Member, 1996-2005
- Southern Ohio District Export Council, Chairman
- Greater Cincinnati Foreign Trade Zone, Director/Counsel
- Greater Cincinnati Global Center, Director
- Founding President, Cincinnati-Kharkiv Sister Cities Project
- Founding Chairman, Foreign Policy Leadership Council of Greater Cincinnati
- Co-organizer of Ohio-Ukraine Rule of Law Program
- Greater Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce, Foreign Investment Attraction Team
- Chairman, Advisory Committee to Ohio Jury Instructions for Securities Law
- Chairman, Cincinnati/Hamilton County Public Library Foundation
- Princeton University, Trustee,1970-74
- Cincinnati Planning Commission, 1982-83

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Kurset, der forestås af to fremtrædende amerikanske advokater, tilstræber at klæde danske jurister og andre, der arbejder med amerikanske retsforhold, bedre på - kontrakter, retstvister, erstatning, varemærker o.s.c.

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